Even very basic spreadsheet editors allow a great deal of creativity in designing a layout. Through creative use of basic layout functionality such as row and column sizing, fonts, colors and borders, engaging apps with interactive functionality can be easily created.

Case Studies

“Yellow Pad” Sports Analytics

News and Observer sports writer Joe Giglio is well known for his “yellow pad” graphics. Joe would hand write game stats on a standard yellow note pad, take a snapshot with his cell phone, and publish the pictures in his articles.

yellow pad.png

When Joe needed an engaging way to present his data interactively while preserving his @YellowPadStats brand, he turned to NExS for a solution. The interactive “Yellow Pad” received rave reviews from his readers, and kept them on the page longer, making his editor happy, too. Now Joe has a collection of NExS-based Yellow Pad templates. After each game, he simply updates his Excel spreadsheet, uploads to NExS, and embeds the app in his article.